Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

I know I see it a lot, and I don't really care for it, lol. Especially when you start seeing ads based on a physical conversation you had with someone.

There was a half dozen of us sitting around at a buddy's place one afternoon shooting the breeze. A few hours later after I got home I started getting ads on my phone and on my PC for things that we spoke about. No one did a search of any kind while we were there, we did all have our phones laying on the table though. After checking with a couple of the others, they were getting the same ads on their stuff.

You can put your phone on "Airplane Mode" when sitting around talking with friends.

It shuts down the access to your phone from the prying eyes and ears.

Turn off the airplane mode when you leave, and you are back up and running again.

Pretty bad this day and age, when we have to take defensive steps to keep outsiders from listening to our conversations.
