caliper to spindle mounting bolts(Kelsey Hayes)

OK, I get that also and quite obviously everyone has a different opinion. These bolts aren't just a little loose, they are very loose and anyone who knows anything about shoulder bolts knows they are there for a reason, support and strength. I suppose there are those that trust lock washers, loctite and a good torque bar to fasten but im not one of them. These are the brakes that save your life , there are no compromises. I will have a set of grade 8 made up that fit snug into the caliper holes like they should and sleep very well knowing. Thx for all your input and help trying to find them.
Ok, that's cool what you want to have done.
Personal preference, what it boils down to.
Your lucky that you personally might know a guy with a lathe to do things for you.
Get back with us with the costs to try and have something like this done, at a professional machine shop, at their hourly rates.
You will be in for quite a surprise out there in the manufacturing world.