Sirius radio???

Been there done that too many times already (called Sirius for the refresh) still hasn't worked.
At this point I have to replace the other section of the cable and I'm gonna replace the antenna out of frustration, then everything has been changed out related to the satellite radio since I have had this truck and have been fighting with it. I see magnetic mount antennas, and ones that go on the window. If I can't find one to fit the hole that the existing one is in, (without going back to the dealer to get it) I will go with one of those. Being as how I haven't yet pulled out the headliner far enough to see the bottom of the antenna yet (just enough to reach my arm in and access it) I don't know if there's just a bolt hole or 2, or if the hole in the roof is as big as the antenna itself (approx 3-1/2x5 or so)
But if it's bigger than a screw hole or 2, I'll just unhook the original and leave it as a "plug".
It seems like after I swapped out the radio I could get the radio channels to show on the display, it didn't seem to want to go past "0" with the new cable plugged in from the radio to the antenna, bypassing the 2nd section of cable just for the test.