318 missing and stalling once warmed up and at cruise

Hey Bewy, thanks for your input... Vac adv is connected and I shall check that out. I will also test the throttle shaft with some oil (so far I have only tried spraying the shaft with car cleaner, which only very slightly lowers the idle when doing so, and I have tested everywhere else on the carb, with no effect)
You're not the first one to suggest that I should go Eddy, and that was going to be my initial plan... What's your thoughts though , if I was to stroke my engine in near future to a 390, keeping the iron heads?
Interestingly I just pulled the plugs and no 8 looked
Did you adjust idle mixture after rebuild, normally they do a base setting after rebuild. Did you overtighten the carb nuts? Loose it and check if the carb rocks on the intake, it should feel solid! Are all vacuum fittings closed and proper sealed? Check vacuum leaks with a water spray gun or carb/brake cleaner ( fire danger )
Thanks, I've already checked all of the above...