Choice for EDM solid flat tappet lifter.

No. All emd lifters do is introduce oil directly between the lobe and lifter face. IMO, they are a gimmick. How much splash lube from the spinning cam and crank do you think gets on the cam lobes and gets between the lobes and lifters? Here's a hint. A LOT.
Ever pre-lube an engine (before installing the intake) with EDM lifters and seen how much oil actually spooges out from that hole under the lifters onto the lobes? I have.
You don’t think there’s any benefit on initial cranking, especially for engines that sit for extended periods of for time, of any additional oil being delivered via EDM’s before actual splash lube after start/ up?
If EDM Lifters cost the same as regular solid lifters you’d use them, don’t tell me you wouldn’t!:poke: