
You should definitely pursue work comp. They will deny you, you will have to appeal. Maybe multiple times. Most people in my line of work (firefighter/paramedic) get lawyers in case of a major injury, because work comp will deny, deny, and stick it to you every way they can to avoid paying. But if you stick with it and jump through all their stupid hoops and fill out all of their stupid paperwork correctly they usually have to pay.
I had a workplace injury that resulted in 3 broken teeth, had to fight with worker's comp to get them fixed properly but it was worth it in the end. Dentist wanted to put in an implant and 2 crowns, worker's comp said no, put in a bridge. I said no, I want the implant, and I'll pay for it myself, comp tried to deny it, I appealed, and paid for it, before they finally relented and reimbursed me.