Car Parts Value..???

Perhaps, and maybe it is a loss on my end, but why even offer "extra insurance" or ask for a declared value if it ultimately comes down to what you paid for it. Doesn't make sense to me.

It's not EXTRA insurance. They have a base of $100 coverage free, you are allowed to up that number. Claiming more than what you actually paid is a waste. Your loss is the $ you put out for the part. If you already told them that you paid 400 for the grille, that is going to be the settlement + shipping and possibly the packaging (I would include that number into the price of the grille). If you are lucky, they will let you keep the grille.

Want a friendly suggestion... get a quote to "fix" the grille. If it comes in at $300-350 or so, you can get that, and keep the grille. Think outside the box. It's all about creating an environment where the insurer has to pay out less and you still get a win, so to speak.

Gone round and round with UPS, FE and USPS with claims over the years. Stick with the claim, follow up, jump through hoops, being reasonable regarding your expected reimbursement.