Wife / Girlfriend rage

So, your significant other gets pissed at you one morning as you're leaving for work... You come home later that day and find a small dent in your mint, unpainted, NOS front valance on your unfinished project car...let's say a 72 Hemi Orange 318 4spd Demon, hypothetically speaking, as well as soda spray on the new BFG's and refinished Ralleys...And inside the the stripped out interior...not a whole lot, but enough to see. Again, it's a work in progress, well patina'd car....not a show car... What do you do..??
Girlfriend or loose aquaintaince.....she gets the pitch.....out of there.

Wife......just remind her that the repairs are coming out of the joint bank account......not so funny after that.

If my wife gets mad at me, she withholds sex. She caves after a few days.....I am so irresistible. :lol: