The end is near...

I'm not going to pretend that Blu never comes across strongly. But you are another level.

Think of it this way; if Blu were 400 grit sandpaper, you are 80 grit.

Blu generally posts comments with the intent of giving useful info, you on the other hand seem to chase topics around with the intent to make sure everyone know how much you know and how much you hate the G3. Is it any surprise that his reply's to you are already negative when you have done little to help anyone here? Not to say you haven't given good info, but I bet 90% of your remaining posts (because who can forget the ones that were deleted) are nothing more than what this entire thread is. This thread has no redeeming qualities, and you started it with that intent. You might as well have titled it "Look at me and look at how smart I am".'s your story and I have more than proved myself to everyone on here and even have a standing offer to race the most overblown POS engine ever built and zero takers so I am still the king. I give great advice all the time but where my advice differs from most others is that I don't blow sunshine and fairy dust up that person's *** when they are clueless and are going to do clueless things and they asked for help because they are clueless and yet ignore the straight to the point factual help and instead listen to those who 90% of the time have no clue but their response also comes with a lubed up palm.