The end is near...

I can see that but I try to stay positive about it. I imagine people felt the same way in the 70s and 80s with what was going on but look at where we are now.

It may not seem like it but every young (under 40) gearhead I know whether friends or acquaintances is NOT happy about the Gov forcing EVs down our throats. The only people enthusiastic about EVs are electronic gadget tech nerds and tree-huggers who don't know anything about how cars work.

To me this is where technology will come into play. Metal 3D printing is taking off like a Saturn V rocket for one. Imagine being able to custom-build your own engine parts, I'd argue it's not a pipe dream at this point.
That would be great if that comes to fruition and I would gladly place an order for some parts that seem to be unobtanium as of right now.