Car Parts Value..???

How right you are. I completely understand the concept of "declared" value versus an actual/insured value.. It makes sense now.
I don't like it, but it is what it is.
Apparently, you can purchase shipping insurance from a 3rd party for actual value.
With all that said, I received my claim approval email this morning...this after 6 denial letters, maybe 20 phone calls, a number of hoops jumped through and, many, many
pictures sent.
Complete fiasco, but with a fair ending... They're covering the cost of the grille and shipping.
Thanks for taking the time to school me and help understanding the process..

Good you persevered and got a settlement.

No sweat on the workings of the claims process. Been through it so many times. Got some scars from it as well.

If they let you keep the grille, bonus. Sometimes they don't want the hassle of getting it, then sell it for pennies on the dollar or trash it.