Wife / Girlfriend rage

I'm the OP.... I've responded to your earlier post...but, with this one, I want to say without knowing you or ever meeting you, I can tell you're a good guy...and perhaps that's why you've been married 48 years.
I know you see my original post as bad or disrespectful. I don't know any of the members here personally and that's why I threw it out there, otherwise I wouldn't have. I haven't even said a word to my closest friends...actually, haven't brought the subject up to anyone. Again, I could care less what people here are saying or names they may call her. Like I said before, face to face it would be a different situation. It's a forum and the others, like you, are just chiming in. I suspect some of the "tough" answers put out there are just theater. I think some were just having fun with it.
Looking back, maybe I should have posed it as a hypothetical...who knows, maybe it was.
Its late I'll be brief
Its not that I see your post as bad or disrespectful and I give you credit for being able to shrug off people who print lousy comments, a lesson I should learn
Nobody knows you or your lady friend, so in reality nobody really knows what your situation is but the general assumption was she got upset with you over something, than takes it out on your personal property,
Most would agree that there is no excuse for this type of behaviour, however was it out of spite or was she so mad, so upset she made the mistake of acting out in this manner
People make mistakes. They say and do things in the heat of a argument
Only you know and to be truthful I for one wouldn't want to know and thats my point
Words printed by strangers on social media or not, and while you cant reach through a computer screen and grab some idiot by the throat, I dont like what some A-holes said about your girlfriend.
Funny story now forty seven years later which may or may not be relevant
My wife and I are over her parents house and if I recall it was before we had children. We get into a argument, not bad but some words back and forth....her father, the easiest going guy I ever met, he threw us both out of the house
We never argued in front of anyone again.