Changing dash light bulbs

Update: Dang, not as easy as I had hoped. IMHO, a terrible design flaw. It was a fight but I feel I have minimal access. I loosened the 3 nuts all the way to the end of the threads expecting that the column would come down with them but it wasn't happening. Then I loosened the 2 bolts that attach to the inside of firewall area. Nothing. I could flex it down a bit but that wouldn't allow me to get it out with only 2 hands. I tried wedging something in while pulling down on the wheel as far as possible and something snapped loose. I feared something broke but feeling around and looking as best I could I didn't find anything damaged. It also didn't really appear to have dropped much more. At this point I was able to get the speedo cable off. I persisted and wedged a couple of sockets between the mount and framing. (Did I mention, I removed the aforementioned nuts completely?) Still not enough room to get it out and can't get a comfortable feel to unplug the loom though it actually isn't pulling the wires taut anyway. It still is hung up by the column where you need to depress the lever to turn the ignition which I wonder if that may have been a later change that was just brushed aside as far as dash dash panel access. I am able to monkey paw my hands in though and get to all the bulb sockets so now I wait on the bulbs I ordered. Still crossing my fingers that I didn't break anything though other than the initial pop, I heard so other sounds or had nothing fall out.