Mission Impossible 318

Are you worried Tony will replace you as the new forum God?

It's interesting to see what different people are doing in the hobby. If you were actually doing something you wouldn't need to be here policing everyone on what they can and can't do.

You know, you’re such a douch nozzle. And an uneducated one at that. Since that is the case with you, I’ll spell it out in little words so you can grasp this.

I actually subscribe to UT’s channel. I’ve watched most every video he has produced in the last two plus years.

So you need to get over what ever leg humping man crush you have on Tony and get your own life.

I don’t criticize UT on much, but the BULLshit project is just that. It’s been done, over and over and over for decades. It’s not new. It’s not interesting and there ain’t a single ******* thing anyone will learn from it. Not one. And it won’t be entertaining either.

The sad part is this will reflect poorly on DV and Andy. They ought to know this is a loser project that isn’t worth attaching their name and reputation on.

It’s that simple really, but donks like you and Bakerlite want to make it something it’s not and then agitate for stupiditys sake.

So take your do nothing *** and go somewhere else.

This is a stupid, bad, idiotic, used up, worn out project. It will serve no one but stooges like you well.