Brittany Force flying once again.

The big issue at the time was safety and lack of shutdown. It also killed the son of one of the NHRA most vested members. It was publicity and pr nightmare for the NHRA. But there was an undercurrent of a few racer crying about burning up parts past 1000 feet. When you have a modest budget, the difference between racing a 1000 feet and the 1/4 mile is the difference in racing a few races and a full schedule. The biggest voice amongst these few racers was Jim Head, but he races a full schedule so that makes him, well you know what.

I’ve been to IRP for the US NATIONALS quite a few times, I have car-tent camped at a private lot at the end of the shutdown area. I could see the net and the chain link fence at the property line. Owner told me a sportsman racer came through it one year I was not there and that wasn’t even a 200mph car. I just can’t imagine how he made it through that metal chain link fence in one piece, but they said he walked away from a totally destroyed rail. Plenty of shutdown at that track.