Tunnel ram or no tunnel ram...

Those are 2 circ blocks, I use That exact block all the time. Agree your emulsion is jacked. Being multiple carbs I’d go down to only 1 and 4 at .026-.028. The lean symptom you describe at low rpm may be too much transfer slot restriction. Like RB said and I think I did previously, you need to break the carbs down and pin everything. You need a know what you have to determine where you go. The carbs sound completely out of whack except for WOT which is typical. I do like annular carbs myself as well but, I don’t see any reason the downlegs won’t work well, they just need work. You need to invest in both sizes of numbered drill bits and order up some brass 6-32 , 8-32 , and maybe 10-32 brass set screws 3/32 long. Those are going to become you best friend.
Please have a look at this photo.
I will post better photos of blocks today.
Not only BLP said these are 3 circuit but carbs builder as well, he said and I quote “there is hidden 3rd circuit in these carbs” whatever this means…

I also wanted annular carbs but frankly whoever I talked was surprised why I’m asking about it and putting any pressure in having these boosters. I made some calls believe me.
I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, just giving you what I heard from APD, Bigs, Pro Systems and others.
TMC uses annular as standard and these carbs were what I really wanted till this pair came up for sale.
