Turning back the clock

Huh, was not expecting to see the fuel line run through that particular spot. Guess it wasn't an issue so I suppose there is as good as anywhere else?

I've been trying to figure out the best way to accomplish that type of thing on my own car. There's a few places I've considered but definitely not there. I've had my fuel lines inside the frame connectors for as long as I've owned the car but would like to move them outside for obvious reasons. I've never been hassled about it at the track but no one ever looks under there anyway.

Regarding the brake lines - I'm guessing they didn't want the RF going across the firewall? I've actually been hassled by a tech guy about that who said it shouldn't be there. I said that's how it came from the factory, what do you want me to do? He said next time he'd want to see a gravel guard or relocate it! Little overboard for a 12 second car but I get it. I've seen another car recently with the RF line going across the bottom of the radiator support so I guess it's not a crazy idea.
