Use a press don't be like me axle bearing removal

The "big" parts store I used to work for changed a LOT of axle bearings "back then." We had a shop guy they actually nicknamed "Mike the hammer." I'm not sure his methods were all that "surgical" I've changed my share using the same methods back then.

Generally, we'd torch the outer race enough to get the needles cage and outer race off. Lay it on the rear anvil section of the big *** vise and notch the retainer. Many times you could knock that right off

Then we'd heat the inner race with a torch and beat on it, which would deform it and it would generally knock right off

Again, not that I'm "a bit older", not sure I recommend this. It may warp the axle some or at least deform it slightly out of round. THERE IS a danger (been done) of "missing" and thus damaging the seal surface. then you need a speedie sleeve, "or worse!!"
I love hearing this kind of story! Much appreciated and it'll help doing the second side.
You can put your axle in the freezer, and warm up the retainer. As I understand the can slip on that way.
I did your icy hot technique and the collar fell and bounced off the bearing, settling into place! I was ready with the hammer lol. Check out the frost

