Brake conundrum

On one of my first jobs my job was to go through, and cut out, replace ,or sister up any slightly warped framing materials...on New Work.... so if the framing screwed up dude all that's going to do is bow your drywall up and then the finisher is going to be pissed off, or he's going to leave a **** job, I finished drywall for many many years, as well as stucco. If you're framing's all jacked up just because it gets a piece of drywall and some mud or some labs and mud doesn't mean we can make it super straight and beautiful man we can but that's extra work, love, and labor! Don't think I'm knocking you a bit but just because someone says they've been doing it for a long time and they leave a bunch of crooked crap in the wall? I'm not sure I agree with that cuz, it's not how I was brought into the trades... a grumpy better old man I that taught me they wanted me to do the crap right! Lol like I said if you read my above post first time I ever did it on power brakes I did it with it running I never had an issue anyway we don't need any Warfare here love all you guys man peace and God bless