Worked a warranty deal on my Levi's

So about 11 months ago, I purchased 2 pair of Levi's. A month ago, both pair started splitting open at the top of the left rear pocket and a few days later one was wide open down to my butt-hole. Took pics (not of my butt-hole), sent them to their customer contact email address from their website and 2 days later they said to send them pics of the inside tags with the production numbers/info showing. so I did. A week later I got an email with a one time usage promo-code voucher worth $140 to use online to replace my jeans. Went to their website and that will get me 2 pair of jeans with 98 cents left over. Lucky for me, they did not have my size in stock 2 weeks ago. Why, you might ask? Because they are already running Black Friday deals at 40% off on their website. Today, they have my size in stock. SO....... I just ordered 3 pair of jeans and a 3 pack of socks and used $135 of the $140 they sent me. Yay me.