Worked a warranty deal on my Levi's

So about 11 months ago, I purchased 2 pair of Levi's. A month ago, both pair started splitting open at the top of the left rear pocket and a few days later one was wide open down to my butt-hole. Took pics (not of my butt-hole), sent them to their customer contact email address from their website and 2 days later they said to send them pics of the inside tags with the production numbers/info showing. so I did. A week later I got an email with a one time usage promo-code voucher worth $140 to use online to replace my jeans. Went to their website and that will get me 2 pair of jeans with 98 cents left over. Lucky for me, they did not have my size in stock 2 weeks ago. Why, you might ask? Because they are already running Black Friday deals at 40% off on their website. Today, they have my size in stock. SO....... I just ordered 3 pair of jeans and a 3 pack of socks and used $135 of the $140 they sent me. Yay me.
That's great to hear that they stand by their product.

What style did you buy? I've noticed the actual material they're made of is soooo much thinner than what they used to be made of. Even the old school 501's just don't last like they used to. But I guess you can say the same thing about almost everything

And two pairs of Levi's for $140? I never thought I'd see that day. haha!