Opinions on 71 Demon Clone for sale

So you recently bought this blue demon and the Mecum 72 340 RR ?

Sounds like both have had lots of issues and $$ spent in getting them right and reliable drivers??

Do you do your own repairs, tune-up, electrical etc? Or have a shop for that?

It’s a nice gesture for the previous owners dad. But given your context and story, you might want to keep what you have.
There's a lot of what I call "stupid tax" I've been paying... I'm doing all the work with my dad, that's part of the objective to hang over opposite fenders figuring out stuff, he tells me stories, gets flashbacks of stuff he thought he forgot. There are still some things with the Demon that will be really hard/costly to undo (snorkel scoop, go wing isn't mounted right, some exhaust stuff, 727 is from a '75 D-series) that are tolerable, so with the body of knowledge I've built up I'm open for another go.

Regarding the RR... I was lined up to buy the Demon but someone beat me to it. I made an emotional decision with Mecum Indy, where there were some Demons and this RR, and instead of holding out for a Demon I bid on the RR & won. Wasn't my first choice, and wish I could have that one back. After this, the seller of the Demon called, the sale fell through, so I was able to convince my wife to "temporarily" have 2 cars until the RR sold and bought the Demon.

Many layers to this saga