Shortest essay

Genius!!! What did the professor think?
well, to be honest, the whole story was a joke
i never took a philosophy class, and i never wrote an essay on a blackboard

Is that good or bad LMAO. Don’t know about you but I’m older than dirt and quite happy with the choices I’ve made. One time in may of my graduating year my so call buddies set the book up in my locker to smack me in the head when I opened it. I was late for class already mad because of car issues. Books slammed me right in the forehead, my so called buddies who were sitting in class started laughing I turned and told them to f… off the women 65 year old teacher started bitchin me out told her to F off also. She kicked out wouldn’t let me back in so failed that course but had enough credits to still graduate Living comfortable what else does a guy want.
im pretty happy with the way my life is turning out
(and though the story about the essay was a joke, i did get kicked out of highschool, and college)