Pain Medication

A guy T-Boned me at an intersection in the early 80's, got a few broken ribs but didn't realize how bad it messed my back up till weeks later, after many MRI's they couldn't find anything, but they knew something was wrong. I've been on every drug under the sun, I worked off and on as much as I could and finally after seven years, I got My Disability and found a good back surgeon who became a pain management Doctor, he gave me shots in the RIGHT places which helped but I was still on the meds that I wanted to get off of, so he started telling me about an implanted pain stimulator, I finally got it in 2019 and am doing better, no more pain meds, The Stimulator helps with everyday life but if I push it to hard the pain gets bad but instead of being down for a week or two I'm only down for a couple of days. It's the best decision I've ever made.