Whats it worth

You climbed your mountain building your car and working your craft, nobody will ever be able to take that away from you.

You owned it, drove it and experienced it, it's all good. These cars are assets that hold their value very well, that can be sold and turned into money to pay bills and get out of debt.

That is Smart Money right there, being debt free is the ultimate freedom.

It is always great to see the next worthy people get the cars, as they take care of them and keep the dream alive along with showcasing your efforts of getting it there.

They come out to look at the car, without even driving it. Yeah we want that car, go sign over the title and they drive it away.

Of course they are going to take good care of the car as it is an investment for them, and one day too they will be able to cash back out of it and move on to other things.

Figure out what you need to clean up your debt, some or all of it. Price it to sell. Turn the page, you have already won the game.

Good things await you once your hands are free to accept the coming changes of life.

No regrets, it's all good.

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Thanks my friend always nice to hear from you.