Front end rebuild - what's it worth?

some points brought up earlier in the thread deserve to be galvanized: by taking on this job you are opening yourself and by association your friend's shop to the risk of litigation-- something goes wrong with the job and a wheel comes off and hurts somebody or they get in a crash and crack up another car, you're working there and you get hurt while working or something goes wrong and the car gets damaged or causes damage to the shop or another car there in some way. because it's run through his shop, he's on the hook. even if it's an after hours job and you're helping somebody out.

this person wants this on a short timeline. how short? are we talking a weekend? two weeks? a month? you get the picture. one consideration is that by determining the timeline, they may think that they can dictate other aspects of the job-- making calls on questionable parts or components, which, again, could put you at risk.

now for the nuts and bolts of it: I'd price out all the parts, and I mean ALL the parts even the ones supposedly replaced and that are in good condition and tack on 15% for the time and effort of tracking down and ordering what YOU know to be good quality components.

labor wise, I'd clock that at 10hr easy. figure $100/hr (plus a fee for broken/stripped and stuck fasteners per each instance)

so a smooth 1K, bump it to 1250 and kick 250 back to the shop for utility of using their space and lift. if you want to slide a bro deal then make it 750 and kick 250 back to the shop.

anyway, if I were in your situation, I'd want to see the car first so I could assess the job and evaluate what the situation is condition/rust wise before determining if my initial estimate is correct and if I wanted to undertake the work.