318 MAX fuel economy builds?

The Pulstar Plugs incorporate a capacitance effect by making the ceramic thin between the hex and the conductive interior. That thin spot is where they crack. The newer versions use an aluminum oxide ceramic which seems to hold up better than the older ones. Also, anybody that tried the Platinum Pulstars, don't hold that against them. The Platinums sucked, and Lou (CEO) knew it, but was pressured into putting them out anyways. Right now Pulstar showcases their Iridium plugs on their site. If you want a bit more punch, call them and special order their CNG Plugs. Those are copper core inconnel electrode versions, similar to our familiar Champions, but have the built-in capacitor. That is what my team runs.
Mike I watched a youtube video about these plugs. Looks like it would be counterproductive to run these plugs with a multi spark ignition.

Are running pulstar plugs a better choice than an old school jacobs or MSD ignition system?