Rosie the ‘65 Dart

Rosie’s first ride! - 11/11/2022

I had the day off from work and it was a nice fall Friday. I got the new fuel tank installed and she fired right up.

I let her idle for about 15 minutes to get up to operating temp so I could dump the vintage oil.

I used a piece of wood and an ammo can wedged up against the front seat to depress the brake pedal so I could attempt to bleed the brakes.

I grabbed a fire extinguisher and some tools (just in case) and went for a ride. The brakes were still SUPER sketchy. I hadn’t checked or adjusted the rear brakes yet and hadn’t pinpointed why the master cylinder was initially empty.

The clutch grabbed alllllllllll the way at the top of its travel abut didn’t appear to be slipping.

The steering is SLOPPY even by 1960’s standards. Like a quarter turn before the wheels move. ….but she’s moving under her own power.

We took a trip to the gas station, the car wash (once in the manual bay and once through the automatic stall to get the underside washed) and finally picked up a pizza And headed home.

it was a great Dart day!
