@slantsixdan any opinion on these LED lights?

Killer6 is right. There are no worthy sealed beams made any more. Haven't been for at least 20 years, but they've got even worse over the last fiveā€”the American sealed beam industry no longer exists, and the tooling was allowed to get even more decrepit than it already was, before it was finally scrapped. Now any sealed beam you buy, no matter the brand, is a pathetic joke from China, not even close to capable of putting out even minimally adequate light (beam focus? Har har har), and they break if you fart in their general direction. The GE Night Hawk was the last decent sealed beam on the market, when they were made in USA; the Chinese ones are the same junk as all the rest.

If you gotta-just-gotta have sealed beams, go get on Fleabay and pick off an auction like this, this, this, this, or this. You're looking for '70s-early '90s packaging, from when the tooling was still in good condition. Prefer GE, Philips, or Westinghouse; Wagner is a second preference, and avoid Sylvania.