It was running ok, now it’s terrible, I need help!!!

currently the distributor is retarded as much as possible.
This could be part of the problem. I say part because;
1) when you change the point-gap, the timing changes. And the idle-speed usually changes as well.
2) If you reset the idlespeed, this sometimes, depending on which way it went, upsets the synchronization of the Idle-discharge port to the transfer port.
3) with retarded timing, and a rich idle-mixture, the A/F mixture may not finish burning in the chamber. If when it exits the chamber and enters the exhaust system, it finds fresh air in there, it will flame up and pop.
4) if your vacuum advance can is working, and you (or someone) has plumbed it to full-time manifold vacuum, then it will be difficult if not impossible to set the timing to the factory spec. If you manage to set the timing to say 5* in this mode, then whenever you step on the gas and the vacuum falls, then the V-can will drop out, and your ignition timing can become severely retarded. Which takes you back to #3 above. If you intended to use the Vcan in this mode; you gotta set the base-timing with the Vcan disconnected.