
At 63 you will likely only complete one vehicle from here out. Multiple reasons are involved. Skill level, tools, location, parts availability, etc. Then it comes to money. You better think hard about it. Buying a project takes a lot. It gives even more though. There is real satisfaction in resurrecting a vehicle. The sense of accomplishment is tough to match. But, it is not always a walk in the park. Some cars are easy go get parts for. Some not so much. Some are affordable and others ridiculous.
Everybody knows you will put more into building a car than you will get out. Except in certain cases. You can buy somebody else’s completed car for cents on the dollar and be driving and enjoying right away.

I have not read all your threads on this topic, so I don’t know if you are after the challenge or the car.

Choose wisely. It could make or break your love of the hobby as many get frustrated and give up on the build. If you decide on a project, make sure you love the body style.