LONG covid? COVID Pneumonia?

Just got word tonight that an older church members young son that was admitted to the hospital earlier this week died from pneumonia today.
Man.... this SUCKS! I'm sorry to hear that Man... them playing around with not giving people antibiotics use a bunch of BS if they prescribe antibiotics and steroids like they're supposed to when someone first gets symptoms of that it'll open up their lungs and let that poison out of them. Strong disclaimer: hell no I'm not a doctor, but, when I see what's going on around me myself, I start getting a little bit upset.... other people playing God over, other people's lives, following NEW protocol, when they think they know what's going on, they actually don't, or do they really? I'm sorry for your Church members loss of her loved one and Son. And yes it seems a little presumptuous of me to assume he was looked at denied antibiotics but that's what they did to me, twice! They also did it to other people I've known