Should I sell

Some of you guys take the news too seriously. Remember the mainstream media tries to keep us scared and uncertain about the future so that we'll waste our money on new junk we don't need. I'm with @Princess Valiant I'm only 31 myself and no matter what goes on in the world the only way I'll stop wrenching on and driving my Duster is if someone puts a gun to my head and even then it'll take me a minute to make up my mind lol. I agree the younger generations are pretty messed up but you can't generalize about all of us. I have a group of 10+ gearhead friends around my age and none of us would rather drive an EV than something cool and old(er) with an internal combustion engine! Lots of talk about EVs taking over but that's mostly the non-technical sales bozos and politicians trying to push an agenda. I'm a mechanical engineer in the energy industry and went to graduate school (just a couple years ago) with people who now do R&D on IC engines and let me tell you, electric motors may one day replace engines in cars but definitely not in everything, by a long shot! OTR long-haul semi trucks, stationary power generation, jet airplanes, etc. can't do jack with electric motors. I spend a decent amount of time on LinkedIn which is now basically Facebook for professionals and there are a lot of heated arguments on there between the EV pusher d-bags and the smart people who actually know the truth and the details of how energy and transportation work. Some day I'm sure I'll have an EV (which I'll build/swap an old car, screw the new ones) to get myself around but when I want to have fun it'll always be in something with a loud raucous piston engine.

Also if gas prices are an issue, stop using a gas-guzzling SUV or full-size truck as your daily driver and get something smaller and more fuel efficient. My '72 D200 gets 10 MPG but I only drive it when I need to haul or tow something. Commute to work in something that averages 25-35 MPG during the week then blow off steam on weekends or in the evening with your awesome big block Dart.

There are plenty of car enthusiasts under 40 pushing back against the "electrify everything" bullshit and we aren't just going to bend over for selfish elitist jerks trying to make money off of fear.