Stop in for a cup of coffee

Man could today’s date be any more historically significant?!?

First, the Boston Tea party rebellion happened
101st Airborne move into the Ardennes Forest in Belgium and the start of the Battle of the Bulge.

And yea most importantly cannot forget my wife’s birthday as that could trigger another war :rofl:
tea party was just a demonstration - normal sort of 'mob' action ratcheted up a little.

SLA Marshal's account, Bastogne, The First Eight Days is good history in IMO.
I highly recommend it. PDF here.
Funny I watched Battleground the other night because I don't think I had seen the whole thing in one sitting. It has some good points, but's hardly a historical account. Of not many movies are. Even A Bridge Too Far has at least one scene that make no sense and that's probably one of the better (bestest?). "Bring up the PIAT!"