Some people just shouldn't own a mopar

There is one thing to get in, start engine, and drive. There is another thing to get in start engine and rev it to 5000 RPM for a minute.

Would you rebuild an engine and without any break in, run it on a dyno at max HP?

You didn't want to be around my place when I built roller motors in the 80's. Fire it up, set timing and carb(s). Make sure the cooling system was working, good oil pressure, no leaks.

Spray down street, 6500-7500 rpm burn out. All broken in... Some of the SB 283-302 Chevies were turning 9500... lol

Outside of running them to get temp in them on a dyno, while doing that you put some load on them and release it. Puts pressure on rings, etc. After that, rip away on the dyno. Short runs to mid range RPM verifying carb jetting, looks good, rip it to upper ranges.