Yeah, The Flex-Pipe Doesn't Work...

'65 273 with a terribly cobbled together 1 3/4" Y-Pipe had to go...
I cut the Y-Pipe when I pulled the Motor for Last Spring's Freshen-Up.
I reused about 8" of the down pipe to make a cobbled together 2" Dual Exhaust
with 1 3/4" FlexPipe to a 1 3/4"-2" Reducer to fit onto the 2" GlassPack.
The FlexPipe Leaks Everywhere!
Should I have 2" Pipe all the way to the Manifolds? Or is the 1 3/4" output pretty standard?
This is a 2bbl car, probably shouldn't even have Dual Exhaust.
But does a 2" DownPipe Exist? Anyone have a couple old ones?
Not sure the proper term, just need a few inches of what bolts onto the collector at the end of the manifolds
and I can cobble the rest with a mig. (Pics of terrible exhaust for effect)

