Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well made it back home from teaching down in a Little Rock. I am mentally and physically exhausted. I think I will sip green tea and wear Jammie’s all day. My brain is mush. I had to do the Team critique this morning while yesterday event was fresh in my head. While our customer was absolutely thrilled with the event I saw five pages worth of observations on how we can do better. Our transitions were total crap and clock management is a thing! All in all the Team did well but I am a picky guy! Herding seven instructors and 37 students and ensuring all equipment ran just plain wore me out! Huge honking church, they have between 2,000-3,000 folks in a typical Sunday service. Range day is next, I am going to bust that up into three days and limit student count to a dozen. Lots of work there.
You're a real pro John.