torquing intake bolts

I used a 9/16-1/2 box end combo wrench and a 1/2 drive torque wench. It was a 10" wrench so when I put the 9/16 on the 2 inside bolts and then put the torque wrench inside the 1/2 end, I just made a crows foot adapter but you have to factor in the length to adjust for the lower torque spec needed to get 35 ft/lbs because now your measuring almost 2 foot/ would decrease the wrench to about 20 ft/lbs. Make sure you get this 'crows foot' as straight as you can to the wrench axis for an accurate measurement. If you have a digital torque wrench or a beam type, you can see what this 10" extension does to a 35 ft/lb bolt that is accessible to see what the actual reading is.