FBO's black HEI ignition box

and you can get a 4 pin hei module everywhere

used on all GM
used on renault
alfa romeo

you can get wells
bosch austrlian bosch is different shape

same old motorola chip

modern ones can put up with 500V back emf off the primary hence don't strictly need the 350V zener diode that jaguar used on the orginal delco module in its lucas AB14 that could only put up with 350V

jaguar guys can buy a new AB14 for £200
or replace the module in their broken one for $25
many of them miss this fact....

or you can buy the motorola chip and make an HEI using support components from digi key on strip board, and tune it to any coil you want, with a differtent dwell and different current limit.
its not worth the effort but for testing, before you ....ask a chinese factiry to make you some modules, it may make sense

all of the modules will have the implementation suggested by motorola back in 1974 and the only differnce is the care thay take over quality control and the settings they choose by the their choice of the supporting componentry
i.e matching it to a specific coil.

this is how some modules can be sold with the tag line high performance they tweaked some resistor values to increase the current or adjust the dwell managment
that involves a laser etching or not etching a few lines in the surface of some silicone on an automated line.
expect the vast majority of modules regardless of the box or lable, to come out of the same factory.

The middle of the sandwich is still the same motorola chip.
