Last one to post in this thread wins!

Spent a good chunk of the last 2 hours outside trying to get my work truck started, it's -19*f, windchill is -40*. The cord for the oil heater has been fubared since I started working here in August, and apparently a good while longer than that. I've been asking about getting it fixed since September, but it still hasn't been done. Feet are pretty much frozen now, thanks to the steel toed boots that I'm required to wear.
Finally got the boss to go and get some ether after 1 1/2 hours of ******* with it, and finally got the thing started, all it took was 2 good sniffs of ether. :realcrazy:
I took it to the shop about a month ago and had them check out the problem with the heater, still waiting to get it repaired.