David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Holy F@ck Batman it would seem that everyone missed the point on this build lol
Agree 100%
And his Sunday night live show is just him and his wife laughing hysterically and his dog's freaking out in the background .
His live stuff really bores me.
Its an exercise. I think its a great project even if Tony is involved . The porting vids help me visualize what goes into a port job . And he says outright there are better/quicker ways to accomplish more HP. If we were all about quicker/cheaper ways to go fast we would all be running Turbo LS engines.
If you have a open mind you can learn stuff that many people may miss. If you think they are an Idiot or dumb.,,..,, You have closed your mind like a Vault Door. And that is Ok. But there is plenty to learn, on this thread as well as the project. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason...........just saying.
And before someone gets but hurt because they thing this post is point at them.........This post is for ALL OF US! Me included!