David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

I don’t give a **** what he does. It’s HIS reputation that’s getting murdered.

And it’s not just me. Evidently he is getting lit up in his comments. It’s so bad he had to make a video to clean that **** up.

Its too bad you defend garbage like this because your life is such a cesspool of failure you have to live vicariously through some one else’s bad dreams.
Uncle Tony just released a video glorifying failure. this is what his viewers believe from the "Soothsayer of shame" and "the Guru of failure" i would like to take this time to remind everyone of Lunar outlaws 318 build. that was an Uncle tony fail classic. Look up lunars infamous 318 giveaway.. that engine could be used as a smoke machine for Pink Floyds next tour...wise up folks Uncle Tony is a bullshit artist, the only thing remotely positive he has done for the hobby is sell parts.