David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Here's the original post: 360 cast head porting

factory small block head castings with some time in them work better than most people can imagine.
Small block in Demon with 587 heads and a .590 Racer Brown flat tappet cam. 1.260 60ft.--6.09 at 111 1/8th mile --9.68 at 136 1/4 mile--No NOS

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Go read your first post on this.

You are at best disingenuous. You tried to palm that off as using a 318 casting and that’s a lie.

You can’t grind, shape, port or anything else short of welding (which would be stupid but at this point you like advocating for stupid so there’s always a chance you’d claim welding cast iron is a back yard shop technique) a 318 port to the as cast size of the 340 head.

And it ain’t even CLOSE.

Thanks for making my point. No one seriously tries to make ANY horsepower using 318 casts unless the RULES say you have to.

Check mate.