David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

You are seriously Retarded. Anyone with half a brain KNOWS what a 587 head is. DO I need to show you one as I have a set in the Garage?

You are making **** up in your head because that's all you are capable of. STFU and go back to RED Xing because that's your intellectual limit. GO GET HELP.

You do know the 587 casting has a 360 port right? Which is what I said.

Why start with a grind on a 318 head when you can use a 360 head and get a better port without grinding.

You are so disingenuous its sad. You posted a picture of a car that’s not yours (typical) and made the claim he was going fast on 318 heads. And he’s NOT.

You need the help as you are borderline mental. You’re not as smart as you think you are and at best you are a lying poser.