David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

And then you got called on it. If Crackedback doesn’t set the record straight, anyone reading your post would come to the conclusion he’s running 302 castings.

So it’s disingenuous at best. Some would call it a bald faced lie. I’m too nice for that so I’ll say it was disingenuous and leave it at that.

I know for a fact that they are 587 heads. It's in the moparts thread. I bounced some PM's off of Dan or Don, the owner chatting about the heads/car/combo maybe 8-9 years ago.

The line from moparts was posted in the thread about the cam, etc. by Hysteric

That thing I thought was a 360, may have been a stroker 410+ engine. That escapes me on CI right now.

That Demon is still one of my favorite A body door cars.