David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

220 cfm from that tiny port with that tiny valve......... should be more than enough for what David Vizard needs depending on what fuel he goes with........

Should be interesting to see how it goes. Don't worry I'll keep you all posted on its development so you can LOSE your **** again and again.....

The term "Most' would imply more than 50% of engine builders. Did you ring them all up and ask them or did you poll them through the use of an agency. Or did you just pull that out of your arse in an attempt to appear like you know what you're on about. Wake up clown.

This one: https://www.mentalhealthforum.net/

Most includes all the head porters I know personally and some who I’ve watched on various media doing interviews and such.

Most of the guys I know who port and make POWER spend most of their time on the flow bench measuring air speed, and manipulating that to make power.

Just because other guys will read this thread it’s worth it to keep exposing your bullshit.

If the GOAL is to make 1 HP/CID such as this Mickey Mouse, Rube Goldberg build does that mean that once it makes that 1 HP/CID that that it? That’s all it can do?

Or, is it possible (probable) that you can make MORE than 1 HP/CID with a better head that has a better port that flows more air?

F’ing A right will make more power. Which is EXACTLY my point. Why would anyone with the IQ of a pencil waste time and money on a garbage casting (302) to make 1 HP/CID when they can use a FAR better casting (any 340/360 head with 1.88 valves) and spend less time and money AND a make MORE POWER? Why would anyone spend more money to make LESS power? Again, you wouldn’t IF you have an IQ higher than a potted plant.

And, if you use the 360 castings, you won’t even have to look at a grinder let alone get one out and use it.

For the audience these guys are trying to reach the 360 casting is better by ANY metric you want to apply with MAYBE the exception of HP/CFM. Really, who gives a single **** IF you make more power with more CFM but you had less HP/CFM? No one I know unless you get off on wasting time and money to mentally masturbate yourself into ecstasy over a metric that really doesn’t apply here.

And, no offense to anyone here or any fans of DV, AW, UT or Charlie but the VAST majority of the guys watching don’t have the skill to take a 302 casting and make it get close to the power of the 360 casting.

So hopefully this gets through your arrogant, thick head.

For THIS project porting 320 castings rather than using 360 castings is mindless and wasteful and all of that AND you make less power?

Thats the way politicians think. You spend more, get less and claim you are a hero.