David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

The 308s is one number of head I've never had my hands on..... I've had and have worked on 302s. And I like what I see in the 302s on my shelf, vs the factory 163s on my car now.
Everything is relative
If you are going to rev it and want top end power you need the port flow of the bigger heads. this isn't a battle this is the truth of 1 reason why the 340 revs to 6000 rpm and can be built to 400 HP. Another is high comression The vizard build will end up with a 4 barrel and bigger port heads wait for it. Those who beleive Uncle Tony are being played for suckers by a snake oil salesman. the initial claim was like a red lazer to guide the pussycats over to Vizard's newly built channel.