David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

I am certain, I can leave RIGHT now and go down to my local junkyard, pick up a running 5.9 magnum for 300 bucks, slap a Chinese intake on it with a used old 750 DP, and make more power than this stupid experiment. Probably less than 800 total investment
I could be wrong but I thought their goal was to do it with a bbd 2 barrel. They gave themselves a set of perimeters to build the engine around whether or not they stick to it remains to be seen. Think of it like if a customer had you build an IMCA stock car motor that had to run on a 2bbl. carb, 360 cubic inch limit, 9:1 compression and a spec head and intake. You wouldn't refuse to build it would you? I bet you would work hard to build the best engine you could within those perimeters. And probably you would be very successful. Am I close? I doubt you would tell your customer you could make more power for the money with a 13:1 406 with a 4 barrel. On the other hand if you just don't like Tony and want to use this thread as a way to express that then go ahead. But faulting them them for not working outside the primeters they have already set up would be like someone else being critical of you for building a spec motor with in the rules provided.