999 lock up wiring problem

I have a 999 transmission in my 69 dart. It came out of an 87 van.

it’s got a switch on the back of it that looks like a temp sender. It’s not a temp sender. It operated the lock up clutch on the torque converter. However……I don’t know how it operates the lock up.

im getting a lot of mixed information as to what the switch is.

some say that I run a hot to it and it locks up. Like, if I had a toggle switch I can turn it on and have lock up. If I turn it off I won’t. That it’s the on/off engage switch.

the others say that no 999 ever had electric lock up and it was always hydraulic……..
they say that this switch is an UNLOCK solenoid switch and the original 87 has a computer that unlocks the converter for part throttle or towing

in the end……I just want lock up for the highway And would like this system working the best it can

anyone who knows for sure, it would help a lot.

