David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

One things I have NEVER claimed to be is an engine builder/blue printer guy. But the last real Mopar swap I went to was back home in SW Missouri 6-7 year ago. There was a guy with his enlosed car trailer selling oem small block Mopar heads, all cast numbers, he must have had 3 dozen pairs.......$15/ pair!!!!!!! Must be a reason!!

Unless they have the X on them, hard to sell them. I have/had a couple dozen J heads and NEVER sold a single pair. Couldn't get even $100 as complete cores with stock rockers. A bunch went to the scrapper.

If you don't care about original parts, there are so many good options out there that at some time during the year, can be had for almost the same price as a complete rebuild of OEM iron.